The Main Line Post
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Share your story: Where were you Sept. 11, 2001?
I was 15 when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower.
Normally, I would have been in school that day, my freshman year in high school, but the Plymouth-Whitemarsh School District was in the middle of a teachers strike and so I was asleep with the first plane hit.
Though my college days were four years away, I planned to be a history teacher and I'll never forget what my sister said that morning when she turned on the TV and saw the news.
She ran into my room and said "Andy, there's something happening in New York and it looks like it is going to be something historic."
We all have a story to tell of what we saw that day. Some of us were on the ground in New York City, others watched from our television sets but we all experienced the tragedy in some form and most of us knew the world would never be the same.
I've told you my story, now I want to hear about yours.
To share your story, call the new Main Line Media Reader's Opinion Hotline at 215-703-7508 and be sure to leave your name, phone number and email (for verification), and try to answer the following questions. Of course, if you just want to tell your own story in your own way, that's fine too:
- Where were you?
- What did you see?
- How did you initially interpret what you saw?
- What did you think was going to happen next?
- What effect do you think Sept. 11 had on the world, the US or you and your family?
We'll share your stories in a feature Sept. 11 both at and in our papers.